Aujourd'hui / Heute / Adyadina

As chronicled in your researcher's journal as I researched my history of early lifestyles in South Asia...

Enjoying the Chinese guy. Especially oh-by-the-way mentions that there was a dragon here and there. Spending a lot of time on my languages lately, but they're tools I need to acquire ASAP...and they're so much fun! Excuse me French/German/Sanskrit scholars if I'm misusing those words for Today...I don't expect to be able to actually write intelligently in these languages.
Current time travel apparatus location: Pondicherry, India

French thoughts du jour

from study in 2010...

From the granddaughter of Ingrid Bergman, the beautiful Elettra Wiedemann you may have seen in Lancome ads: "La Beauté: C'est une question de ressenti. Une femme de passion qui a confiance en elle est toujours rayonnante....Le beauté n'est pas seulement dans l'harmonie du visage, mais aussi dans l'humour et dans la spontanéité."
(And now for a very brave try at translation: Beauty: It's a question of feeling. A woman of passion who has confidence in herself is always radiant....Beauty is not only in the harmony of a face, but also in humor and in spontaneity.)
-- from Mai 2010 of Clin d'oeil (Canadian French)

Helpful secondary sources

As chronicled in your researcher's journal as I researched my history of early lifestyles in South Asia...

I should mention a book that so far has been very useful. It's written well and -- what I adore -- very concisely and carefully. It's Gavin Flood, editor, The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), written by various scholars. (Of course it includes the important point that Hinduism is really not one religion nor is it a collection of sects...) And I would also like to mention that both Blackwell and Routledge publishers have been very reliable for me so far.
Current time travel apparatus location: New Delhi, India


As chronicled in your researcher's journal as I researched my history of early lifestyles in South Asia...

How helpful, Mr. Archaeologist cum Historian. "These finds are from Gupta and later times." Well, that would include the day you found them, wouldn't it? At least tell me why you're being vague, if you actually have a reason other than carelessness, like someone -- or the weather -- messed up everything. It's especially annoying because it's very few finds, but very interesting ones, but I can't use them for my work because I very much try to avoid anachronisms and who knows if these are Gupta or later...
Current time travel apparatus location: The Round Library, Bangalore, India