Notes after an emergency trip in 2010 when my very dear dad was in the hospital -- in 2017 he's doing fabulously!
At least one happy work-related thing happened on the trip: The only
seat available from India was through Germany, and I found a couple
great books there to help me with my studies. That and French were all I
did work-wise on my emergency trip.
One book I got was the first German dictionary I can actually read -- I
bought my other dictionaries (a huge and a portable) about 20 years ago
and my eyes have aged! This is one made for Germans to learn English, so
it has some interesting features for me. I read somewhere that it can
help to have such a dictionary, as explanations themselves give you
reading practice.
I also found with these books that I could start dipping into real
magazines! I tried the German wellness magazine Vital whose June (Juni)
2010 issue came with all sorts of free stuff like a booklet on
relaxation -- something I found useful in that stressful time!