Life in India

A glimpse at life in India, as chronicled in your researcher's journal as I researched my history of early lifestyles in South Asia...

Today: Whew. Lot of work on three quite different projects. Some very interesting stuff about ancient Indian music and even theater stages I must run by a musician cum actor friend AKA my brilliant son....This wide variety of work keeps up my interest but makes my mind whirl! I could just work on one a day...but I'm trying this because they're all so important to finish ASAP and I think I'd be unhappy if I felt even one were being neglected. Anyway, it'll calm down when I get through the high stacks of books I put out in an over-enthusiastic moment. And I must remember half of the mind whirling may be the doctor's office's free infection I got at a recent check-up! included free with all consultations! no extra charge!

Current time travel apparatus location: The Round Library, Bangalore, India